Monday, August 28, 2006

[academicsecret] 8/29/2006 12:39:33 AM

Part II of David Burns' book The Feeling Good Handbook has a little on procrastination. I did find this page, although it's not the greatest.

I used to have an absolutely debilitating fear of failure. It started in the 4th grade. I just wouldn't do something (usually homework or assignments) so that I would fail because I didn't do it rather than failing because I hadn't done it well. When I got to graduate school something had to be done, so I started seeing a CBT-focused therapist. Clearly with a name like Fraud I still have issues, but I got through that fear of failure, nearly conquered some serious compulsive behavior, and reduced my depression/anxiety (enough to get off anti-anxiety medication). I highly recommend it.

Posted by fraud, in denim to academicsecret at 8/29/2006 12:39:33 AM