Wednesday, May 23, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Hypocrisy!.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hypocrisy!":

God the Father the true Daddy loves you.
Jesus died for your forgiveness
I totally utterly believe and stake my life on God loving Academics, God wanting to build His Kingdom in Academia and His love for the whole intellectual enterprise.
Every Blessing and love on you.
I have the Dawkins book too but I want to find out how the Church is letting Academia down and I know it is being reflected in the Journals and I am NOT in any way in the Academy.(!!!!!)
LORD make this one I meet in Heaven first Heaven one!!! Thank you Jesus alive through all the Death (in many forms agggh) Jesusxxxx(((Jesus)))

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/24/2007 1:41 AM

Monday, May 21, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Hypocrisy!.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hypocrisy!":

Also on the 'god' line...if you want a good, open minded church experience, try a Unitarian Universalist congregation.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/22/2007 12:32 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on Hypocrisy!.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hypocrisy!":

On the topic of raising your child to believe in a god that you don't believe in - how about teaching your child to think critically and make religious decisions on her/his own? For a great book on this and relevant topics I highly recommend Dawkins book "The God Delusion"

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/21/2007 5:35 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on Hypocrisy!.

Poppy Red has left a new comment on your post "Hypocrisy!":

I also don't think you're a hypocrite -- you're complicated, as strawberries said, and you're also very understandably looking out for yourself and trying to finish your degree!

I'm not a science person, so I don't really know what it's like to be in the middle of an experiment and need help at that moment in order to save the experiment, so you can take or leave any of my suggestions about the advisor thing. But I will say, I think it might be worth it for your sanity to have this nicer advisor. I wonder if she would treat you differently if you were officially her advisee? For example, maybe she'd be around a bit more? (She's new, right? Does she have people she's advising?) Or maybe she'd be willing to give you her home/cell number to use if you get screwed up in an experiment? You know, as long as you used it sparingly or something. Is there a way to work around HER schedule more, be in the lab when she's around and build your schedule on hers?

As for her motivating you/keeping you on track: is there some way you can get this motivational support from someone else instead? My advisors do not motivate me or keep me on a schedule either. I've just sort of learned I have to find that motivation elsewhere, and it's not going to come from within me (I do not do very well without a set schedule). So I do things like write up a schedule for myself that I then give to a friend or my fiance to check on me, or I tell as many people as possible that I'm going to do X by X date, so that I'll be embarrassed if it doesn't happen.

It just sounds like you really don't respond very well to the kind of "motivation" your current advisor gives, so maybe it would be worth it to take a little more time than you want to but to do it in a more pleasant way. If you do stay with the current advisor, you might have to start ignoring him when he says things about your laziness, etc. My friend has an advisor who has crazy expectations, and I just tell her to be sure to process what he says after each meeting so as not to start believing everything he says all at once and all at face value.

Posted by Poppy Red to academicsecret at 5/21/2007 2:51 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on Hypocrisy!.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hypocrisy!":

i don't think you're a hypocrite, just complicated, and we all are. i feel so similar to you in your i want to have a life yet admire-need those who do not... its so complex...

--strawberries (my acct is not working)

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/21/2007 9:17 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Grading Woes.

Fraud has left a new comment on your post "Grading Woes":

I hate final grades for many of the same reasons.

This semester I had to grade on a plane, far away from my desk and excel file, and found it really liberating just to grade the papers and let the chips fall when I crunched the numbers. Had I been here, in my office, I would have been agonizing as I entered each grade in.

My big quandry this semester was a case of academic misconduct. For the first time in my life, I decided to report it through the official channels. From here on out, I'm done with the begging and pleading from students that inevitably leads to agonizing and guilt for me. If they violate the code, they get passed on through the system. Let someone else decide if the student's guilty or not, if they're dismissed or allowed to stay. Let someone else lose sleep over such things. I'm done.

Posted by Fraud to academicsecret at 5/17/2007 2:05 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on At long last!.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At long last!":

I'm so jealous - we're still in exam time, and this isn't even the quarter system! Still. Can't wait until we're through!

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/16/2007 3:19 AM

Monday, May 14, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on At long last!.

WhatLadder has left a new comment on your post "At long last!":

Thank you, chartreuse for mentioning the gendered aspect of student entitlement. I blogged about my experience with that issue a little while ago (and as a result acquired an e-stalker who claimed I am a sexist). It's nice to find someone else who perceived the same issue.

Posted by WhatLadder to academicsecret at 5/15/2007 1:14 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

paramour has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

Something similar happened to me this semester with a student "athlete", a.k.a. golfer. The frakker actually tried to physically intimidate me. For his effort, I was advised to report his arse to the dean. Since this was the SECOND time he did so.

Posted by paramour to academicsecret at 5/14/2007 3:25 PM

Thursday, May 10, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Imagine a new kind of academic job market....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Imagine a new kind of academic job market...":

Hilarious! Or you could have an American Idol-like show, with three judges from your field--one has to be nasty, like Simon--judging candidates' weekly lectures, with one potential professor cut each week. [Does he or she have to repeat the lecture once cut!?!] I realize it doesn't work as well as your scenario in terms of logistics, but I still think the idea is awesome. I would watch it.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/10/2007 1:49 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

Um, I might be going crazy, but it seems totally obvious that the original anonymous poster (also author of fourth post) is a student. His or her logical reasoning, grammar (esp. the comma splices), and text-messaging punctuation scream STUDENT to me. If my hunch is wrong, then it depresses me that someone like that is working in an academic setting. "Going to class is not important." ???

Fraud, you are totally justified for feeling frustrated with this student. He betrayed your trust, broke an academic code of conduct, and now feels entitled to a good grade. Unfortunately, I don't think your story is the exception. Given what I hear from colleagues and my own experiences, it seems more like an epidemic...

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/10/2007 1:44 PM

Sunday, May 06, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

I don't think badminton is any less of a sport than some 'academic' topics are 'academic.'

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/06/2007 6:41 PM

Saturday, May 05, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

fraud has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

Oh, badminton was a psuedonym for the sport he really played. :) My school has not yet stooped to counting badminton as a competitive sport... ultimate, on the other hand...

Posted by fraud to academicsecret at 5/06/2007 3:26 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

I thought my credulity was being stretched when a student told me that he would be absent for an ultimate frisbee regional tournament. REGIONAL, you see. But badminton. I'm afraid I'm not yet mature enough to not have laughed at that particular excuse. This is not to cast aspersions on the sport of badminton per se, but in the name of all that is holy, there are limits to the suspension of disbelief and tolerance of student excuses.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/06/2007 2:38 AM

Friday, May 04, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Salmon Ella has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

What a load of crap, I tried to leave a comment this afternoon and you wouldn't believe how much grief I got from Blogger.

Anyway, I think my comment was something along the lines of not thinking that it's petty to be annoyed when you're lied to. It's especially annoying when the said liar has such a sense of entitlement that he actually has the audacity to whine about his grade. I hope you let him know that you knew he was lying.

Posted by Salmon Ella to academicsecret at 5/05/2007 1:32 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

fraud has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

Nearly all my posts on here will be petty, because they're my secrets. Some aren't appropriate to share with others, but a lot just aren't worthy.

I guess that I think the going to class and participating is part of doing good work, but that's related to course and area.

Posted by fraud to academicsecret at 5/04/2007 11:57 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

sorry, I just said it sounded petty not that you were petty. Anyways, just give them something really hard to do for extra credit, they usually run away. Thats what I do anyways. Going to class is not important, quality of work is important, thats my point.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/04/2007 10:12 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Nicole has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

I don't think being annoyed about being lied to is petty at all, and especially not when the lying person has such a sense of entitlement that he thinks it's okay to whine about his grade. I hope you told him you caught him in a lie.

Posted by Nicole to academicsecret at 5/04/2007 5:43 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

fraud has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

Thanks, Poppy. You're right that this is not a correspondence course and part of doing one's part as a student is coming to class and participating in the discussions.

As far as your comment goes, Anon, I don't appreciate being lied to by students, or being accused of being unfair by them. I am more than accomodating and give them plenty of opportunities to do well. I think that for them to suggest otherwise either directly or by asking for even more favors is disrespectful. If that's petty, then you're right, I'm petty.

Posted by fraud to academicsecret at 5/04/2007 1:12 PM

Thursday, May 03, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Poppy Red has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

Anonymous, are you for real, or a troll? Getting annoyed by someone who 1) lies and 2) whines about his grade only when it's not convenient for him is not petty.

It's gotten so it's hard for me to believe students at all with their excuses. Somehow simultaneously, though, I've become more lenient than I ever could have imagined I'd be, especially considering how totally uptight *I* was about never missing classes, and how I even got mad at my own roommates for not going to class. Giving people extra absences is unfair to the students who go to class diligently , but sometimes it's also so much easier than fighting about it, ugh. I'm also annoyed with the idea that turning in assignments is all that's required. If that's the case, why aren't we all just doing correspondence courses? Students absolutely do learn more when they're in class than when they just do the assignments but don't go to class.

Posted by Poppy Red to academicsecret at 5/04/2007 3:58 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on bad-minton.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bad-minton":

If he does good work who cares, you sound petty

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 5/04/2007 2:47 AM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Imagine a new kind of academic job market....

Kisha has left a new comment on your post "Imagine a new kind of academic job market...":

he he he. I actually explain the job market to my family in this way (They work in professional sports). My analogies: The academic job market is somewhat like free agency. Not getting tenure means you've been "cut" from the team.

Posted by Kisha to academicsecret at 5/02/2007 5:54 PM