Wednesday, August 23, 2006

[academicsecret] 8/23/2006 04:47:07 PM

As someone who already gets in trouble for not paying attention and for laughing inappropriately, I have to say, Scarlet, that I’m kinna skeptical of this game. I think it’s going to get me into trouble and I really don’t want to lose any friends-- or piss off any powerful people by blurting out stuff about farm animals and following with a lame reference to Orwell. So I think I should practice first. If you could all please clear your minds. What I mean is, Don’t Think of anything. … shh…

Did it work? Well I don’t know about you, but I definitely flunked ‘cause, (a) I can’t stop laughing, and (b) I have this image in my head of the last person I couldn’t listen to with a big red elephant. Lucky for me (and no thanks to Scarlet) they’re just dancing.

Posted by kodachrome to academicsecret at 8/23/2006 04:47:07 PM