Friday, September 01, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/01/2006 06:29:09 PM

When my advisor was chewing me out this summer, one of the things he mentioned was that graduate school often requires that we put in upwards of 80 hours a week in the lab, and that even when I finish, I should still expect 60 hour weeks and blah blah blah. So what I want to know is: If I am so lazy and non-committed compared to everyone else, why is it that when I go in during the evenings and on the weekends, I am often the only person in whole building?! Somehow I doubt everyone has mass specs and whatnot in their home offices, so the 'working at home' excuse doesn't cut it for me. Not that I think everyone should be working 60-80 hour weeks, but don't tell they are just to guilt trip me when clearly it isn't true!

Posted by Salmon Ella to academicsecret at 9/01/2006 06:29:09 PM