Monday, September 04, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/05/2006 03:06:52 AM

Ok...I admit that I don't get it. Maybe the Angel is available MOST of the time. Maybe the Angel would love to be there for everyone all the time but that isn't possible.

So...maybe...just get that paper reviewed or written or to make that grant deadline or to read that thesis or just quell that mounting migraine...Angel sits in the dark with the phone off the hook and ignores the knocking at the door...exactly like a good professor should.

Cowardice or common sense? Perhaps that idea of working at home isn't so crazy after all.

(I admit to doing this just to be able to actually eat my lunch!!)

Posted by Sulphur Siren to academicsecret at 9/05/2006 03:06:52 AM