Saturday, September 30, 2006

[academicsecret] 10/01/2006 01:19:46 AM

strawberries: It's no worse than throwing away audio tapes after you promised the IRB you'd keep them in a locked drawer for 3 years under the protection of a rabid rottweiler and then erase them and bury the erased tapes under a land-fill (hypothetically).

orange ina: A scholar in my field wrote a book chapter where she said that her IRB told her what and how she could teach her qualitative methods class. I totally agree that IRBs should not be in charge of determining what is important/ worth it research and what isn't.

fraud: OMG, we totally need an IRB PTSD support group.

Posted by thistle to academicsecret at 10/01/2006 01:19:46 AM