Wednesday, September 13, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/13/2006 09:16:13 PM

How interesting that it makes you want to cry, too. Other people's tears always activate my... now I'm at a loss for words. Maybe it's a maternal instinct, but that doesn't seem right. I get an involuntary self-calming response that always seems like it's intended to prepare me for some kind of action. I never think I actually do respond properly, but my brain slows down and at least gives me the chance to get it right. I've also learned that tissues, gum cough drops and the like can clear the head and give them a minute to collect themselves. Being a female faculty member, you'll find that papers and grades are the easy part. It's the rapes and other life crises that that really put a dent in your supply of tissues. Joy joy! Do we get extra pay for this?

Posted by Sienna to academicsecret at 9/13/2006 09:16:13 PM