Sunday, September 03, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/04/2006 01:41:21 AM

I think I'm overpaid as well, in the Scarlet sense.

What I find amazing is that I don't feel like I have any more money now than I did living on grad student stipend and student loan refunds. Maybe it's trying to compensate for living without an income for three months this summer, but by the time my much fatter paycheck comes, I am literally scraping by on pennies. That happened a few times in grad school, but certainly not every month.

Of course my monthly taxes rival my rent plus utilities from grad school, but I'm still not sure how I manage to spend it all. Especially now that happy hours are a thing of the past.

Posted by fraud, in denim to academicsecret at 9/04/2006 01:41:21 AM