Friday, September 08, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/08/2006 12:23:36 PM

pa ha ha ha. Ouch! I just bit my tongue trying not to say all the things I want to say on how one could inquire about a friend's sanity. The bottom line, as you might suspect from a clod like Koda is that I haven't a clue. But I've learned this in the last few months: It was a lot easier to ask Friend A whether s/he is transexual (yes) than it was to ask Friend B whether s/he was losing his/her mind (no answer).

Speaking of elderly colleagues, my department actually has a "checking in" schedule for our most senior member. S/he spends lots of time in the office, so there is a not-so-tacit understanding that we're supposed to stop in and say hello whenever we can.

Posted by kodachrome to academicsecret at 9/08/2006 12:23:36 PM