Thursday, September 21, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/22/2006 12:12:50 AM

Thanks for the CT link, Anon #2. I knew I'd read about the trend on blogs before, but I hadn't seen this particular post.

Anon #3 (who's Anon #1, right?), I think you're right. My knee-jerk reaction today was that this student was trying to talk me on a certain level about something we'd been talking about it class, specifically that she could relate to an experience I discussed and wanted to share something with me. But, the whole situation brought back memories of a male student last year (when I was still a grad student) who used my first name all the time in conversations with me, particularly when arguing over grades. "But Fraud..." "No Fraud, you don't understand..." "Fraud, that's not what I was saying..." "God Fraud!" and I always felt like it was to put me in my place as someone inferior in some way.

Posted by fraud, in denim to academicsecret at 9/22/2006 12:12:50 AM