Tuesday, September 05, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/05/2006 12:08:43 PM

Sulphur Siren, You're right. The "cowardly" term may be unfortunate. (See below.) Anon, Although I don’t think Angel *is* a flake, she might be in an over-commit-and-then-flake-out cycle.

Scarlet, Plucky nails it. One of the reasons I’m fascinated by this "ability" is that I can't do it. As a small child, I could never resist my mother’s command to unlock my bedroom door, so by the time I was seven, I had stopped bothering to run away at all. Why couldn’t I keep that door locked? (My parents had a strict non-violence policy.) I thought of my childhood bedroom when I learned Angel's secret. Is she stronger than I am, or is she insane?

I'm trying to cultivate a less angelic persona, so I won't have to hide from it (since I'm not plucky enough to hide).

Posted by Sienna to academicsecret at 9/05/2006 12:08:43 PM