Friday, September 01, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/01/2006 05:06:07 PM

I guess Sienna is about as "clear" as mud, but Thistle and Scarlet seem to have figured it out—to my rolling on the floor delight, I might add! The door numbers would be a series of entertaining caricatures.

I guess I should admit that I’m not really the type to “take” Conscious Pig behavior. So I did manage to make it stop, though I wasn’t especially witty about it. Now, though, I’m wishing I had addressed the underlying Conscious Pig thing, rather than merely training him not to pull that cr*p on me. Hmm. witty. He doesn’t seem deserving.

Thistle, I don’t let people get away with telling me that feminists are sensitive, either. I’m not offended; I’m pissed.

Posted by Sienna to academicsecret at 9/01/2006 05:06:07 PM