Friday, September 01, 2006

[academicsecret] 9/01/2006 04:45:13 PM

>soon you'll need to wear sunglasses...

Scarlet, I would pay good money, on top of the plane ticket, to hear you or anyone in our position say (let alone scream) a thing like that. I naively said it many years ago when I interviewed at [place where nobody actually lives in the same city as the university]. I think that didn't go over very well. Come to think of it, I may have toured the country asking embarrasing questions about each department's intellectual community, not really knowing that I shouldn't expect to find that at my new job. But the other thing I like about your sunglasses critique is the way it reveals the head-in-the-sand social engineering that universities so often attempt. They just can't seem to admit to (or dare I say, ADDRESS) the basic problems of academic life before they start. So, because of your searing critique, I won't be mad that you snagged my door# from me!

Posted by kodachrome to academicsecret at 9/01/2006 04:45:13 PM