Monday, October 02, 2006

[academicsecret] 10/03/2006 05:34:30 AM

I think this IS a gender thing that is common in all professions, not just academia. In fact, this is a huge issue in coaching. When you look at many successful (male) coaches of big-time teams, it is incredible how many of them are able to do what they do because they have stay-at-home or more or less stay-at-home wives who not only take care of the homestead (e.g., take full charge of the kids) but also do huge amounts of support tasks (e.g., clean the house and cook for parties when recruits are visiting). This is seen as a real barrier to the success of women coaches, since most women coaches do not have stay-at-home partners and have a hard time keeping up with those who do. I suspect its similar in other professions, too.

Posted by Salmon Ella to academicsecret at 10/03/2006 05:34:30 AM