Sunday, June 24, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Hypocrisy!.

Turquoise Stuff has left a new comment on your post "Hypocrisy!":

Salmon, first, I'm sorry to hear about all these difficulties. I agree that it is _very_ hard to juggle one's feminist ideals and realistic expectations on one's everydays.

I agree that you should get your Master's even if you won't get a PhD, because you truly have put a ton of work into it and yes, it would be great to have something to show for it on paper.

I also agree that switching to the new person as an advisor may be tricky. And as someone else already commented, you may be putting her in a very difficult situation with respect to your advisor who is presumably a senior person and will be voting on her tenure case.

That said, there's no reason you can't approach her for advice.

Regarding raising your child with a god especially if you're not a believer yourself, I hope you don't! That definitely does seem hypocritical and as Flicka Mawa noted, it is absolutely not a necessity for raising a moral child.

In fact, I would go as far as to argue that it could have very negative repercussions. I mean, do you really want your child to live in fear or things she won't understand anyway? That seems like a cruel approach. I think you should have trust in you and your husband to know that you can pass on important lessons without that dishonest approach (I call it dishonest, because if you don't believe in a god then how can you preach its existence to your child?).

Finally, I hope you don't leave a.secret, that would be really sad!

Posted by Turquoise Stuff to academicsecret at 6/25/2007 3:35 AM