Thursday, May 17, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Grading Woes.

Fraud has left a new comment on your post "Grading Woes":

I hate final grades for many of the same reasons.

This semester I had to grade on a plane, far away from my desk and excel file, and found it really liberating just to grade the papers and let the chips fall when I crunched the numbers. Had I been here, in my office, I would have been agonizing as I entered each grade in.

My big quandry this semester was a case of academic misconduct. For the first time in my life, I decided to report it through the official channels. From here on out, I'm done with the begging and pleading from students that inevitably leads to agonizing and guilt for me. If they violate the code, they get passed on through the system. Let someone else decide if the student's guilty or not, if they're dismissed or allowed to stay. Let someone else lose sleep over such things. I'm done.

Posted by Fraud to academicsecret at 5/17/2007 2:05 PM