Tuesday, October 02, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Strategic Incompetence.

redeye has left a new comment on your post "Strategic Incompetence":

The strategically incompetent exist on all planes. Notice a state highway crew. One is digging, two are leaning on their shovels, and three are gathered around the pickup talking about the highway job they did in '96. Getting out of work is not rocket science it is gall. It does tend to share characteristics regardless of the plane on which the game is played. First and foremost, is to make friends with the person in charge. Second, is to have a ready handicap i.e. bad back, klutz, inexperienced, fear, or just plain lazy. Third, is to have no shame. Without shame any of your two's can be used to your advantage and the other poor dope is left to cover for you. Four, be kind, courteous, and praising of other's capabilities. That way they will be happy to be duped again. Now that you know most of the skills involved (I wouldn't dare share the higher plane skills) enjoy your new found method of being the office a$$. Oh and believe it or not I read this article as part of a graduate class in education leadership. This is the "active disengaged employee" we are talking about here. Go WSC!!!


Posted by redeye to academicsecret at 10/02/2007 9:17 PM