Thursday, April 05, 2007

[academicsecret] 4/05/2007 08:38:32 PM

You might as well be me. I might as well be you. I am dealing with this very situation this quarter with one of my male students. I feel totally powerless. Ironic, isn't it, since I am the teacher and he is the student!

I stumbled upon this blog looking for answers. My student is so shrewd and I feel like any conversation with him is a lose-lose. Fraud's suggestion seems like the best course of action for me. In the end, I don't want to alienate him; I want him to learn something (a modicum of common courtesy, perhaps?). I hope my cretin turns himself around the way yours did!

Does anyone have a recommendation for a book/article on strategies for female instructors to effectively deal with conflict in the classroom?

Posted by Freducha to academicsecret at 4/05/2007 08:38:32 PM