Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Apricot has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

The first time it happens, I'm sort of a bitch about it - I get over to their row and continue lecturing - but I talk louder and louder, until they wake up. If it takes yelling, so be it. By this time, someone next to them usually nudges them. When they wake up, I announce to the class, "...and so that's just about everything you'll need to know for the exam."

Any times after that and I just announce, "this is college, there is no naptime. If you can't stay awake, go home." I have no idea if either of these tactics work, though. I mean, people still fall asleep sometimes.

Posted by Apricot to academicsecret at 9/18/2007 6:35 PM