Saturday, September 29, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts).

Strawberries has left a new comment on your post "Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts)":

oh dear, hang in there dandelion! sounds like you figured out what to do though!

Posted by Strawberries to academicsecret at 9/30/2007 2:44 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on Help! This blog is dying!.

Strawberries has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

i lost my log-in too when the blogger changed to google too.... help!

Posted by Strawberries to academicsecret at 9/30/2007 2:40 AM

Friday, September 21, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts).

Chartreuse Circe has left a new comment on your post "Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts)":

Dandelion, I've got to say that you've got it figured out! Congratulations!

It took me years to figure out that balance (investigating the FNM and running the SOACM for production). Probably the worst part of learning that was the realization that my advisor wasn't thinking -- it was pretty much "oooo sparkly!" Sadly, advisors are often clueless (I got myself going "spaaarkly!" just yesterday!), and given their power that's an issue.

Posted by Chartreuse Circe to academicsecret at 9/22/2007 2:53 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts).

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts)":

P.S. Your post is hilarious.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 9/21/2007 4:36 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts).

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Argh! (A Play in Infinite Acts)":

Ughhh... I can completely relate to this. But it sounds like you've got a good plan of action for dealing with it (i.e. listening to what she's saying, but not getting *too* invested/caught up).

Sometimes I wonder what's happening in certain advisors' heads. Do they really not remember what they told you one month (sometimes one week) ago? I mean, I understand that we may not be their priority, but still...

Anyway, you're not alone! :)

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 9/21/2007 4:36 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Help! This blog is dying!.

Dandelion has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

Thanks for the encouragement to keep the blog going. It's nice to have this outlet. :)

Posted by Dandelion to academicsecret at 9/21/2007 2:51 AM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on let sleeping dogs lie?.

fraud, in denim has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

Where did I say anything about how I handle it, Anon? I was asking for opinions. Clearly you - and others - have them. Thanks for sharing them everyone. I appreciate it.

Posted by fraud, in denim to academicsecret at 9/20/2007 1:10 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on let sleeping dogs lie?.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

Why do you care if they sleep? If they aren't snoring or drooling on someone, go on with the rest of the people that are there. Why draw attention to it? You think that somehow embarrassing them is going to meet some goal other than your own self satisfaction that you showed someone up? Perhaps YOU really are putting them to sleep; if talking louder or changing the prosody of your speech wakes them up, perhaps you are a monotone. People in this world are too damn sensitive to rudeness, get over it. Oh and no, I am not a student, I am a college professor and I see a student here or there pass out on occasion. Many of them work full-time jobs and are trying to get an education (no, they aren't entitled to special treatment, but I CAN ignore the occasional dozing off) to better their situation (i.e., getting off of the graveyard shifts that help them to fall asleep). So yes, let sleeping dogs lie and be a human about it; you don't know WHY they are falling asleep, so stop making the classic fundamental attribution error.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 9/20/2007 12:34 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on let sleeping dogs lie?.

Chartreuse Circe has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

I typically ignore it, because I've found that doing otherwise is more disruptive. Depending on the student/frequency/whatever, I may say something to the student later. I do, periodically, say things like "[X behavior] is a bad idea around somebody who is grading y'all" to the rest of the class, which also gets the point across.

Posted by Chartreuse Circe to academicsecret at 9/19/2007 4:00 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on let sleeping dogs lie?.

David Carlton has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

I don't recall its happening back when I taught; then again, there was so much group activity that it would have been hard for it to, most of the time.

Having said that, my first reactions would be to either ignore the student (if they weren't bothering anybody); to wake them up and not say anything other than, say, "you fell asleep"; or (if it really bothered me) to wake them up and say "please don't sleep in my class: it really annoys me when students do that."

What are your goals in that situation? That might suggest some courses of action.

Posted by David Carlton to academicsecret at 9/19/2007 5:26 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on let sleeping dogs lie?.

Nels has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

I ball up a piece of paper and throw it at them. When they wake, I say, "You don't have to be here." And I move on.

Posted by Nels to academicsecret at 9/19/2007 2:47 AM


Apricot has left a new comment on your post "let sleeping dogs lie?":

The first time it happens, I'm sort of a bitch about it - I get over to their row and continue lecturing - but I talk louder and louder, until they wake up. If it takes yelling, so be it. By this time, someone next to them usually nudges them. When they wake up, I announce to the class, "...and so that's just about everything you'll need to know for the exam."

Any times after that and I just announce, "this is college, there is no naptime. If you can't stay awake, go home." I have no idea if either of these tactics work, though. I mean, people still fall asleep sometimes.

Posted by Apricot to academicsecret at 9/18/2007 6:35 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Chartreuse Circe has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I'm here, too -- sort of.

Posted by Chartreuse Circe to academicsecret at 9/15/2007 9:25 PM


Apricot has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I'm still here too, but I forgot my log-in, so I can't post anymore! (sigh...)

Posted by Apricot to academicsecret at 9/15/2007 8:09 PM

Friday, September 14, 2007


Poppy Red has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I'm here too!

Posted by Poppy Red to academicsecret at 9/14/2007 7:24 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on Help! This blog is dying!.

fraud, in denim has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I'm still here (clearly, since most of the recent posts are mine).

I'm all for a revival!

Posted by fraud, in denim to academicsecret at 9/14/2007 12:08 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Help! This blog is dying!.

bobvis has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I'm in the same boat as christine. I've forgotten how I got here, but I liked what I read enough to add your blog to my feeder. I'm sad to hear your blog may be dying. I hope I didn't kill it!

Posted by bobvis to academicsecret at 9/14/2007 3:45 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on Help! This blog is dying!.

Christine has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I just found your blog, so keep on writing and I will keep on reading.

Posted by Christine to academicsecret at 9/14/2007 2:37 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on Help! This blog is dying!.

wisteria has left a new comment on your post "Help! This blog is dying!":

I should add that I had a bit of trouble accessing the blog after all this time - must have something to do with a change at the google blogger. So don't give up, my fellow crayons! You all have mastered far greater challenges!

Posted by wisteria to academicsecret at 9/13/2007 8:09 PM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Where has all the time gone?.

Poppy Red has left a new comment on your post "Where has all the time gone?":

Yes, I don't have an answer to how to balance either, but I completely relate. I am very excited about teaching this semester -- I always am, but this semester I'm teaching a new class in my actual field -- but I also need to find time to do my research. Plus I've been so excited about teaching this new class that somehow I managed to forget I am also teaching another class! How did I forget? I have no idea how I'm going to balance this semester... aah!

Posted by Poppy Red to academicsecret at 9/09/2007 6:06 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on Where has all the time gone?.

fraud has left a new comment on your post "Where has all the time gone?":

It helps to know I'm not alone, Apricot. I'll let you know if I figure out a trick. :)

Posted by fraud to academicsecret at 9/05/2007 12:27 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on Where has all the time gone?.

Apricot has left a new comment on your post "Where has all the time gone?":

I'm having a hard time with it, too (also at R1 where teaching is "valued"). As far as I can tell, some basically neglect teaching - the ones who care about teaching (like I do) struggle. And struggle. And struggle. I'm not being any help here at all, but at least we're not alone, right?

Posted by Apricot to academicsecret at 9/05/2007 12:23 AM