Friday, August 24, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

Peter has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

I believe it is nothing in how many hours one work's, rather it is all about how productive they are. I know handful of people who are mostly physically present in the work place, bu their mind would probably in some where else...
draw ticket printer

Posted by Peter to academicsecret at 8/24/2007 4:36 PM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

Rate Your Students has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

we have a silly question? we recently enabled comments on our own blog (, but the "comments" field doesn't show up on the main blog page. If you click the particular entry, then you see them, but we'd like them like yours, where the main page shows comments option. care to help a group of technophobe academics?

Posted by Rate Your Students to academicsecret at 8/11/2007 4:27 PM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

promoteyourblogforfree has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

oxygen is to survive like how love is to hurt and bleed da heart

Posted by promoteyourblogforfree to academicsecret at 8/07/2007 2:17 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on Is the glass half-full, or half-empty?.

promoteyourblogforfree has left a new comment on your post "Is the glass half-full, or half-empty?":

nice blog

Posted by promoteyourblogforfree to academicsecret at 8/07/2007 2:16 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

promoteyourblogforfree has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

nice blog

Posted by promoteyourblogforfree to academicsecret at 8/07/2007 2:15 PM

Thursday, August 02, 2007

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

I have to say I think its a little absurd to work an 80 hours week or a 60 hour week or anything beyond that. I can't even imagine what I would do for that many hours (though grading does take a very long time). This is academia, and if we're supposed to be working 80 hour weeks, perhaps we take ourselves too seriously. I don't say this to demean what we do, but rather to say that quality of life is way more important to me than being seen working or having some "when I was your age I worked 'til I passed out" war story. I work very hard. My 40-50 hours of work are productive because I'm good at getting lots done in a given time frame. Tenure matters to me, as does publishing, because I'm exhaustively reminded that they are supposed to matter to me. They also matter because I am ambitious, though perhaps a bit lazy.

I may be the only one, but I went into academia so I could work less than I did in corporate America, where I did the 80 hour work week and spend more time on my writing career. I went into academia so I could travel during the summer. So far, I've been able to do those things and I am thrilled about it. I am simply not going to martyr myself for tenure. I don't think its a good idea for anyone.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 8/03/2007 4:33 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

All Blog Spots has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

nice blog

Posted by All Blog Spots to academicsecret at 8/03/2007 12:56 AM

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

Ms.PhD has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

Yeah, I think you're missing the point. There are places where people work on campus around the clock, because they want to. Then there's a culture that feeds on itself, it becomes more enjoyable to be on campus working with other people who also care a lot about what they're doing and enjoy it.

And there are places where people work when they feel like it, and sometimes work at home because it's not fun to work on campus when you're alone working.

I'm not sure this is a big pool/little pool thing, but I haven't been enough places to really know. I've been at both kinds of places, though, and while I think the 80 hour work week is highly overrated, I think what you mean is that you are wanting to be in a culture where people are there a lot, sharing ideas, discussing excitedly. I too wish that there were more places like this.

I guess my attitude is very "out there", but honestly I think the problem is that there are a lot of people who choose the academic lifestyle because it's flexible and interesting, not because they really want to get a lot done and be immersed in it all the time.

I sometimes wonder if I would feel less burned out if I were somewhere that had a better atmosphere, where people shared ideas and built better mousetraps, instead of all racing along on their little hamster wheels in separate cages, trying to see who's going to win the race to nowhere.

Posted by Ms.PhD to academicsecret at 8/02/2007 10:21 PM

[academicsecret] New comment on twenty-four/seven academics.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "twenty-four/seven academics":

For anyone who's interested in more discourse about this, and isn't a regular ready of RYS, the issue's been taken up in the last few post at Rate Your Students.

Posted by Anonymous to academicsecret at 8/02/2007 4:49 PM